The Importance of Fire Mitigation and Evergreen Tree Services

December 14, 2016

black and white tree bark up close

When it comes to Evergreen tree services, fire mitigation is something that always needs to be considered. The Rocky Mountain area altogether has a higher risk of wildfires. In fact, some insurance companies are asking companies to consider fire mitigation to help reduce the risk of their home being destroyed. Learn more about fire mitigation and how it can protect your home in the event of a wildfire.

What is Fire Mitigation?

Fire mitigation can be completed on your property to lower the risk of damage in the event of a wildfire. With the increasing amount of homes and businesses built in the wilderness, it is easier for structures to be destroyed. Fire mitigation services review the area to remove any fuels or flammable materials. During this process, debris, tall grass, weeds, dead branches, leaves, wood, shrubs, etc. will also be removed. By removing all of these from your property, you reduce the risk of a wildfire taking over the area.

Creating Defensible Space

Next, a tree service company will create a defensible space around the home. Defensible space is a perimeter around the home where trees and other areas are susceptible to wildfire. This process removes vegetation and other areas that may easily be taken by a wildfire. This process also may include the removal of trees, trimming of branches, or other means to reduce risk.

Types of Defensible Space Zones

There are three types of zones in terms of defensible space. These areas should be taken care of during the fire mitigation process. The first zone is the perimeter around the home. Typically it is about 30 feet around the borders of your house. All other efforts ensure this space is as safe as possible. The second zone is a middle area that is roughly 100 feet in diameter around a building. The third zone is the furthest area of the defensible space. This would be the initial area that would be affected during a wildfire.

Preparing for Wildfires

As a Colorado resident, you should be aware of the risks of a wildfire. The wildfire season usually lasts each year throughout September but it is urgent to be vigilant year round. One of the most important things you can do to prepare is to gather a fire kit in case of emergency.’s Emergency Supply List covers everything you need to have in the event of a forest fire. Visit to build a kit. It is also important to invest in fire mitigation and creating a defensible space around your home. You can also stay on top of the latest Colorado incidents from InciWeb.  It will give you real-time updates for the latest fires in Colorado.

As you prepare your home to combat wildfires, read more in the blog “What is a Defensible Space Plan?” You can count on Splintered Forest to help protect your home against a wildfire. Our team is committed to helping keep you and your home safe. Owner Brad Huddleston knows first hand the devastating effects as he lost his home to a fire in 2000. After that experience, he set out to make sure homeowners don’t fall victim to losing their homes. Get a free estimate now and get started and protect you and your family.

Learn about available fire mitigation grants in Colorado.
