Using Wood Chip Landscaping Material for a Beautiful Garden

In recent years, wood chip landscaping has gained popularity among garden enthusiasts. This natural material not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your garden but also provides various benefits for the plants. If you’re looking to create a beautiful, sustainable garden, understanding the basics of wood chip landscaping is essential. 


The Basics of Wood Chip Landscaping

Wood chip landscaping is a popular choice for many gardeners due to its versatility and functionality. By incorporating wood chips into your garden, you can enjoy a range of benefits that will enhance the overall health and appearance of your outdoor space.


What are Wood Chips Used For?

Wood chips are small pieces of wood that have been processed from various tree species. They can be obtained from local tree service companies or by chipping your own tree trimmings. These chips are an excellent landscaping material that can be used in a variety of ways to improve your garden.

Wood Chip Delivery Colorado

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Benefits of Using Wood Chips in Your Garden – Wood Chip Mulch (Bulk Delivery) Landscaping 

There are several advantages to incorporating wood chips into your garden:

  1. Mulching: One of the primary benefits of using wood chips in your garden is their ability to act as a natural mulch. When spread over the soil surface, wood chips create a protective layer that helps retain moisture, regulate soil temperature, and suppress weed growth. This mulching effect is particularly beneficial in areas with hot summers or cold winters, as it helps to insulate the soil and protect plant roots.
  2. Soil Improvement: As wood chips break down over time, they release nutrients into the soil. This gradual decomposition process enriches the soil, improving its overall quality. The organic matter provided by wood chips enhances soil structure, promotes better drainage, and increases the soil’s ability to retain moisture. Additionally, the nutrients released by the wood chips nourish plants, supporting their growth and vitality.
  3. Erosion Control: Wood chips play a crucial role in preventing soil erosion. By reducing water runoff and maintaining soil structure, they help to stabilize the soil and prevent it from being washed away during heavy rain or wind. This erosion control is especially important on slopes or areas prone to erosion, as it helps to maintain the integrity of the landscape and protect against soil loss.
  4. Beneficial Microorganisms: Wood chips create a favorable environment for beneficial microorganisms, such as earthworms. These microorganisms play a vital role in maintaining soil health by breaking down organic matter, improving nutrient availability, and enhancing soil structure. By attracting and supporting these beneficial organisms, wood chips contribute to the overall well-being of your garden ecosystem.

In addition to these benefits, wood chips also add aesthetic appeal to your garden. They provide a natural and rustic look that can complement various garden styles, from formal to informal. Whether used as a pathway material, a mulch around plants, or as a decorative element in garden beds, wood chips can enhance the visual appeal of your outdoor space.

When using wood chips in your garden, it’s important to consider the type of wood being used. Some tree species, such as cedar or cypress, are more resistant to decay and can last longer as mulch. It’s also essential to apply wood chips at an appropriate depth to maximize their benefits without smothering plant roots.

Overall, wood chip landscaping offers a range of advantages that can significantly improve the health and beauty of your garden. By incorporating wood chips into your landscaping practices, you can create a sustainable and thriving outdoor environment that you can enjoy for years to come.

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Choosing the Right Wood Chips for Your Garden

When it comes to selecting wood chips for your garden, there are several options to consider. Each type of wood chip has its own unique characteristics and benefits. By understanding these differences, you can make an informed decision that will best suit your gardening needs.

Types of Wood Chips

Let’s take a closer look at the different types of wood chips available:

Factors to Consider When Choosing Wood Chips

Before making a purchase, it’s important to consider the following factors:

  1. Availability: Determine the local availability of wood chip suppliers or explore the option of chipping your own tree trimmings. This can help you save money and ensure a sustainable source of wood chips for your garden.
  2. Aesthetics: Consider the color and texture of the wood chips. It’s important to choose wood chips that complement the overall aesthetic of your garden. Whether you prefer a natural and earthy look or a more vibrant and decorative appearance, selecting the right wood chips can enhance the visual appeal of your garden.
  3. Application: Evaluate the specific needs of your garden. Take into account factors such as the types of plants you have, soil conditions, and climate. For example, if you have plants that require a higher level of moisture, opting for softwood chips can help retain moisture in the soil. Understanding the specific requirements of your garden will ensure that you choose the most suitable wood chips.

By considering these factors and understanding the different types of wood chips available, you can make an informed decision that will benefit your garden in the long run. Remember, the right wood chips can not only enhance the aesthetics of your garden but also contribute to the overall health and vitality of your plants.

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How to Apply Wood Chip Mulch to Your Garden

Preparing Your Garden for Wood Chips

Prior to applying wood chips, make sure to prepare your garden appropriately:

Step-by-Step Guide to Applying Wood Chips

Follow these steps to properly apply wood chips in your garden:

  1. Clear the Area: Remove any debris or existing ground coverings from the designated area.
  2. Layer Thickness: Apply wood chips in a layer with a thickness of 2 to 4 inches. Ensure the chips are evenly spread.
  3. Avoid Crowding: Leave space around plant stems to prevent moisture retention and potential disease or pest issues.
  4. Replenishment: Over time, as the wood chips decompose, replenish the layer to maintain the desired thickness.

Maintaining Your Wood Chip Landscape

Regular Maintenance Tips:

To keep your wood chip landscape in top condition, maintenance tips:

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Occasionally, you may encounter common issues with your wood chip landscape:

Sustainability and Environmental Impact of Wood Chip Landscaping

How Wood Chips Contribute to Sustainability

Wood chip landscaping aligns with sustainable gardening practices in several ways:

  1. Recycling Organic Waste: Utilizing wood chips repurposes organic waste materials and reduces the volume of waste sent to landfills.
  2. Carbon Sequestration: Wood chips store carbon, helping reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combating climate change.
  3. Sustainable Material: Wood chips are a renewable resource, as they can be produced from trees grown specifically for this purpose.

Minimizing the Environmental Impact of Your Garden

To minimize the environmental impact of your garden, consider implementing the following practices:

Wood chip landscaping is a versatile and sustainable option for creating a beautiful garden. By understanding the basics, choosing the right wood chips, and applying them correctly, you can enjoy the many benefits they provide. Regular maintenance and sustainable practices will ensure your wood chip landscape thrives while minimizing its environmental impact. Embrace this natural material and transform your garden into a captivating oasis.

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Ash trees are a popular native tree species in the United States and are often planted as street or landscape trees. Ash trees are part of the Fraxinus genus and there are various species of ash trees in Colorado, including green ash and white ash. It is common to confuse an Ash tree with various other trees that look similar, such as black walnut, maple, boxelder, hickory, or dogwood trees. To correctly identify ash trees, you will need to closely examine various parts of the tree.

Ash Tree Branches

To start identifying an ash tree, you can look at its branches. You can either pick up a dead stick that has fallen to the ground or pull down a branch so you can get a close look at it. Check to see if the branches have opposite branching. This means that when branches grow from the main branch, they all start at the same position. Other trees feature alternate branching, with branches growing from the main branch alternating left and right. For example, maple, dogwood, and boxelder trees have opposite branching, while oak, cottonwood, and hickory trees have alternating branches. You can also look for fresh branch buds. On ash trees, the buds will be directly across from or opposite each other.

Ash tree leaves

Ash Tree Leaves

Another way to confirm that you have an ash tree is to look at its leaves. The leaf structure of an ash tree is compound rather than single.  From this point you can count the number of leaves. You will either see a single leaf or 5 to 7 (some varieties have up to 11) smaller leaflets that branch out from it. A single leaf tree, such as a maple tree, has one big leaf that extends from the branch. Both ash trees and boxelder trees have compound leaves, so be careful with getting them confused. Another characteristic of ash tree leaves is that they have either smooth or finely toothed edges.

Ash Tree BarkIdentify ash tree bark -

If you are looking at a mature ash tree, the bark can help with identification, too. Ash trees will have a diamond-shaped bark pattern on both white ash and green ash trees. This helps differentiate them from maple trees. Young ash trees may not have this distinctive bark pattern, but you should be able to rely on other characteristics if this is the case.

Ash Tree Seeds

Ash tree pods

An ash tree will have either light green or brown clusters of seeds (known as a Samara). The seeds on an ash tree are paddle-shaped and resemble small leaves and dangle from the tree in big clusters. Don’t assume that a tree that lacks seeds isn’t an ash tree. Some ash trees are seedless. Only in late autumn and early winter can seed clusters develop. Boxelder/maple seeds are similarly clustered, although they resemble wings rather than paddles.

Why Is Identifying Ash Trees Important?

Knowing whether or not you have an ash tree on your property is important, especially in the state of Colorado. The Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) made its way to Colorado in 2013, and this pest has become a serious threat to ash trees. If you have an ash tree that has been infested with the Emerald Ash Borer, you will want to contact a professional to treat infected trees as soon as possible. EAB can be prevented, so if you live within 15 miles of a known EAB infestation, you may want to consider treating your ash trees.

Contact Splintered Forest For Your Tree Needs

If you’re having issues with your ash trees or any other type of tree on your property, Splintered Forest can help. Our crew includes ISA Certified Arborists, experienced tree climbers, and expert tree fellers. If you are seeing emerald ash borer signs of damage, contact us today to schedule your free, no obligation estimate.

There are many reasons you may need to have a tree removed. At times, diseased or dying trees will need to be removed to ensure there is no damage to the house itself. Also, there are safety issues involved and otherwise perfect trees must be removed. If you must remove trees around your home, consider repurposing wood! You could use it in a variety of ways from furniture to shelving and keep elements of your once tall trees in your Denver home.

Table and Chairs

Transforming and repurposing old wood into a table is a fantastic way to add a custom style in your home. Depending on the style of your home, you can make or have a table made to fit. For farmhouse or traditional homes, consider a table made completely of wood. Create a long wooden table paired with a gorgeous color stain that helps it fit with other colors in the room. For modern or contemporary homes, consider a wood top with a metal or pipe bottom and legs. This unique style will stand out and provide flair to your home. Pair it with a pair of custom made wooden chairs. In addition to chairs, consider making wooden stools of your repurposed wood, or add a bench on one side of your table.  Have a large backyard? Consider adding a picnic table or chairs made from your old tree’s wood!

Cabinets and Shelving

Can you ever have enough storage space? Repurposing wood as a cabinet or shelf is a great addition to your home! Plus, you will have complete control and can build or have something build perfectly for an area. For instance, choose a corner cabinet to store dishes, essentials, supplies and more. Once it is built, you can add a stain to it, or paint it a color that matches other elements of the room. Next, wood shelving is a very durable option. From thick to thin shelves, you can really have fun and play with some great ideas that look great in any room. You can also put wood shelves on a grid system or using metal or steel pieces to mount them on the wall.

Bedroom Furniture

Use your reclaimed wood to transform your bedroom. Many love the way a wooden structure looks. However, that is not your only option! You can complement your current bedroom arrangement with a wooden headboard. There are so many options to customize a headboard. The wood can also be great to customize nightstands that are connected to your bed or stand-alone. Wood can also create a gorgeous vanity or dresser for essentials or a way to help you get ready in the morning.

Need some inspiration? Check out Country Living’s 22 Easy DIY Reclaimed Wood Projects for Your Home

If you suspect that you have trees that need to be removed, Splintered Forest can help! Let our crew create a safe and aesthetically pleasing area around your home – we can even remove trees right next to your home or a structure! Look through our tree trimming and removal photo gallery and give us a call at 303-819-9840 for a free estimate.